Rrootage modes
Rrootage modes

rrootage modes rrootage modes

RRootage is a game from Japan which features a selection of big things to destroy and there are a lot of things to destroy. If you’ve ever played a shoot ‘em up game and wanted to just kill the bosses without having to go through the whole level then this is the game for you.

rrootage modes

It's good, and easy to use, however I'm sorely missing a quick way to return to the stage select if I accidently pick the wrong stage or screw up too much at the first few seconds. It's only three tunes, but all of them are unbelievable. The action may be great, but the music is even greater. To be totally honest, first time I played the game, I embarrasingly lost 2-A just because I was enjoying the graphics! What more can you ask for?įor what the game is, the graphics fit like a glove and are pleasant to look at. Then again, it simply offers you all the difficulties, from the first few mind-numbingly easy levels to the last few INSANE TO THE POINT OF UNFAIR that every expert will like. Yes, it does get insanely hard, but you'll love every second of the intense action packed within each stage.

rrootage modes

This is your only saving grace in the latter patterns, and must be understood. Like all bullet hell games in existence, your "character" has a very small hitbox, limited to the red square in the center. Combined with four different gameplay modes, this makes for a huge replayability. Have you ever wanted to play a bullet hell shoot-em-up and just skip straight to the bosses with their insane, mesmerising patterns? rRootage allows you to do just that.Įach stage (out of 40!) consists of five increasingly difficult bosses, and every single one of them has three phases with different attack patterns, most of which are chosen randomly out of a huge database for each level - you'll never be attacked the same way. Unless you dislike old-school blaster action with a modern twist, you won't be disappointed. Gone are the days of the predictable bullets of Galaxian's aliens.Įasy to learn, yet difficult to master, rRootage deserves to blast its way into and occupy -at least for a short time- 4 megabytes on your hard drive. Which also goes to say that you will never be attacked the same way twice. The gleaming yellow battleships are randomly generated, and each has its own method of attempting to eradicate you. The defining feature here is that you will never see the same boss twice. Overall, rRootage is probably the greatest freeware arcade shooter I have ever played, with the exception of lockOn. There is another mode, but I'll leave you to discover it for yourself. GW mode is probably the best implemented, and gives you the ability to switch 'auras' to absorb certain bullet types and direct their power at your enemy. Normal mode is the standard shooter, and PSY mode has you grazing bullets with your green shield to fill a meter (and then unleash a super attack). On lo-res, it's not quite so cool, but still enough to make you grin the first few times.īut the real wealth of the game comes in the form of the four very different gameplay modes. And when it did occur, it was usually when one of the bosses disintegrated into a spinning mass of particle effects, and the slow-down gave it an almost cinematic quality. The bullets split apart and spiral madly across the screen, rarely ever causing anything that resembles lag (Though you should note that I have a pretty beefy rig). To start it off, the graphics are more than competent. Tons of attack patterns to evade, constantly evolving game situations, and neat effects will draw you in for at least a little while, but rRootage has much more to offer than a simple romp through Galaga-land. Playing it for a while, the only thing that kept me going was the endless boss variety. Looking at the screen shots of rRootage, I have to admit that, while there was a lot happening on the screen, it really didn't look like much.

Rrootage modes